4/27/17 Thursday 8:00pm John Paul Franco's Checkmate World Premiere Orange Carpet was truly live. On this LV local films day, Black Folk were looking fly!
4/28/17 Pictured above on Friday 6:00pm Buffalo Soldiers in interview line at 2017 LVBFF Orange Carpet. They are from the Southern Nevada Area Chapter of the 9th & 10th (Horse) Calvary Association.

4/29/17 LVBFF 2017 Live activities were abundant all day on Saturday.

4/29/17 8:00am Screen ACTORS Boot Camp SAG-AFTRA Regional Education & Outreach Liaison Cynthia M. Williams gave an excellent and full presentation. The formal lecture and slide show offered invaluable information useful for both filmmakers and actors.

4/29/17 8:00am Screenwriters / Directing for FILM - MASTER Class I launched this session with a brief www.Entertainer.Academy short film distribution and monetization pitch. Then the main presenter’s McFadden Family Films 2017 LVBFF screening Executor feature film climb up the ___ building floors story of gaining ____ distribution was fascinating! Markiss McFadden’s casual, insiders look at The Industry made it easy to see why his personal experience advice to novice filmmakers is to “Just Do It - learn as you go”!

4/29/17 12:30pm High Rollers Pitch Fest LVBFF Team members Dani King and Anika Romano facilitated a large and diverse collection of film script and concept pitch practice presentations. From Time Travel to Harriet Tubman as a Union Army spy, strong African American women to “Burn Baby Burn”, Boston - Philly coming of age story to Hip-Hop junkie girl earthquake, interracial foxhole brotherhood and more, your Black Film Festival Reports blogger hated to leave this Festival session in order to prepare for the day’s final Live event.

4/29/17 6:00pm Actors SHOWDOWN Competition Prior to the line dancing Western wear fun of the AFTER PARTY Throwdown, Bryan Moore’s initial near perfect dramatic monologue total score given by Guest Judges Michael Blackman, Kayla Williams & Craig Knight, Coach Ron Becks and Celebrity Judge Loretta Devine placed him in front of the Competition. This Vegas local 2017 Actors SHOWDOWN champion never looked back on his way to perfect scores earned for both his second round and during the finals. With congrats to Bryan, in LVBFF 2017 Logistics I analyze how he won.

2017 Las Vegas Black Film Festival attendee Ron Williams
#2017LasVegasBlackFilmFestivalOrangeCarpet #BuffaloSoldiers #CynthiaMWilliamsScreenACTORSBootCamp #MarkissMcFaddenScreenwritersDirectingforFIL #DaniKingHighRollersPitchFestAnikaRomano #Ngabre #BryanMooreActorsSHOWDOWNCompetition #LorettaDevine #MichaelBlackman #KaylaWilliams #CraigKnight #AfterPartyThrowdown