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Saturday, October 8, 2022 will be the 6th annual international BlackMovieFest

Sunday, October 9, 2022 delivers the 7th annual regional Inland Empire Film Festival

Monday October 10, 2021 will be the 5th annual International Indigenous People Fest & 8th annual Ten Top PhilE Awards

IFR 1 Group 2021 Close




  • Since BlackMovieFest is more of a marketing retreat than it is a film festival, Official Selections will go to films whose marketing representative promises to attend their film's total Oct. 8, 2022 BlackMovieFest screening block


  • BlackMovieFest submitted film must already be Officially Selected by some Black film festival OTHER than the BlackMovieFest


  • If prior Black film festival Official Selection has not been obtained, the film still qualifies if has had a prior screening at a gathering


  • To be considered for Official Selection BlackMovieFest submissions must also list in their World Film Community Network COVER LETTER: [1] the name & date of their previous Black film festival selection, [2] the name & street mailing address of their films representative who will attend, [3] their Film's URL address and [4] the URL address of the Film's under 30 second in length Commercial.


BlackMovieFest RULES can be found at

Indigenous Film Fest



Using the famous W.E.B. DuBois identification tool, to qualify for Indigenous Film Fest submission the petite motion picture must be under 16 minutes in length plus be either:


  • BY a film maker who works or lives on the continent where his/her culture originated

  • ABOUT indigenous people

  • Designed FOR the consumption of indigenous people

  • Shot NEAR and/or WITH indigenous people


So for instance, a short film BY a Caucasian film maker who lives and/or works in Europe to us would be an indigenous film.

Of course any short film ABOUT original people’s lives today or in the past (such as a work concerning African culture) to us is an indigenous film.

A short film designed FOR viewing by a group of indigenous people (such as a Asian political documentary) to us is an indigenous film.

A short film shot physically NEAR indigenous people (such as a movie shot in the Australian Outback) to us qualifies as an indigenous film.

Or for example, an American film created in cooperation WITH any of that two (2) continent’s original people would be called by us an indigenous film.



Since IEFF is a Regional Short Film Competition and Marketing Retreat, only films who have a Leader (Executive Producer, Writer, Production Director, Director of Photography, Editor or Key Cast Member) attending that currently lives or works in the Southern California USA Region or the film was partially shot in that Region, qualify to submit.


Regional residency proof will be required before any film is considered by the IEFF Official Selection Committee.


Also, only COMPLETED submissions will be moved on for consideration by the IEFF Official Selection Committee.


To be considered for Official Selection IEFF submissions must also list in their World Film Community Network COVER LETTER: [1] the name & Southern California street mailing address of their films Leader who will attend their screening block or the Film's SoCal shoot location address, [2] the name & street mailing address of their films additional Leader who will attend their screening block, [3] the submitted Film's URL address, [4] the URL address of the submitted Film's under 30 second in length Commercial.


Inland Empire Film Festival RULES can be found at

Entering Hollywood ACTOR INTENSIVE Full-Time Talent Employment Residency 10/3-12/21 Let's Talk.​


The Indigenous People Fest is just one aspect of the new Entering Hollywood ACTOR INTENSIVE Full-Time Talent Employment Residency




1. First-Hand, Personal Guidance from One of Hollywood’s Most Prolific New Actors - Phillip E. Walker, MFA


2. Guaranteed at Least One LA Area Professional Audition Invitation During Residency


3. Guaranteed at Least One Southern California Acting Job Offer During 9 Day Residency


4. Hollywood Acting Showcase in Front of Film Director / Casting Director / Talent Agent / Talent Manager


5. Entry Level Acting in LA 2016: a hands-on, new actor full-time employment workbook Download & signed CD http://EntryLevelActing.LA


6-9. Central Casting, Hollywood Casting & Film, IMDbPro &  LA Casting Registration


10. On Camera Commercial Auditioning Class


11. Professional Photo Session & Advice


12. Hollywood Actor Jobs Workshop


13. Hollywood Casting Studios Visit Tour


14. Employment & Auditions SoCal Local Travel Assistance/Advice During Residency


15. Industry Networking at Four (4) Film Festivals


​16. Discounted Motel as Low as $40.00 per night (group of 5 in a two bedroom suite)


17. Attendance at a Closing Residency Hollywood Party


18. End of Residency De-Briefing showing how to finance your staying in LA 


19. And much more

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