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Now streaming online FREE thru year's end at LA's Festival Angaelica, see PhilE in Vahan Bedelian's petite motion picture plus many more indie films and Conversations
Sisyphus Myth Retelling Performed by 2021 Eleven Time Awarded BEST ACTOR Phillip E. Walker-MFA
Despite COVID-19, since its May 1, 2020 First Friday Films Rancho Cucamonga, California Worldwide release, Vahan Bedelian’s WineGame movie (WG) has gained much success such as recently winning nine 24 Hours Film Challenge Awards including Best Short Film of the Year.
For example, Lithuania's Iconic Image Film Festival delivered WineGame's 50th Country selection & 500th scheduled screening.
With its USA Television Premiere on CBS-TV January 16, 2021 first in Los Angeles and later that day in New York City, our 4 minute Movie subsequently aired 42 times in 20 States through Easter 2021 during its Nationwide syndication on network local TV stations through the BadamiTVAfrican American Short Films series.
For its inaugural year, WG's August 1, 2020 KINNO [Moscow] WORLD PREMIERE launched a 6 month, 300+ screening run at Hotel Brosko.
Further, September 2020 saw New York City, Hollywood, Greek, Canadian debuts and more.
Additionally, WG screened in 20+ film festivals during October 2020 alone including its BlackMovieFest live & in-person AMERICAN Premiere.
November 2020 ended with an extended Lift-Off Global Network Online streaming run in Paris plus that month delivered WG's Changing Faces Australia Premiere.
Then the last month of 2020 offered the Festival de Cinema Estudantil de GuaÃba South American Premiere plus WG's sixth continental Premiere with Africa's ROck 'n' ROll Film Review.
Having in October 2021 won its third GRAND PRIZE at Rancho Cucamonga, CA's Indigenous Film Retreats, until year's end WineGame is being presented online for FREE by LA's Festival Angaelica.
Newly scheduled for a Shorts Showcase Film Festival KESQ ABC-TV USA 2022 run, WineGame is currently being considered for exclusive online distribution by Inland Empire Films at

About WineGame
Including this virtuoso one-man-movie performance by one of Hollywood's most prolific talents, during 2021 Phillip E. Walker-MFA won 22 BEST ACTOR Awards through various short film productions
The Worldwide film festival darling WineGame short film is two-time BEST DIRECTOR, twice Awarded BEST EDITOR, BEST STORY WRITER, BEST POSTMODERN FILM, BEST SOUND DESIGN, BEST POSTER and BEST TRAILER Awards winner Vahan Bedelian's (pictured left) Loyola Marymount University School of Film and Television first year graduate school production that promises to make one want to watch it again!
Displaying whimsical scenes by multiple award-winning student artists, as of 12-27-21 WineGame has been tabbed for 62 Awards through 80+ Nominations from 534+ Screenings out of 129+ film festival Official Selections in 52 Countries on 6 Continents including nearly half of the 50 United States, was honored as a four-time 2020 BEST STUDENT FILM & 2021 BEST FILM plus being China's Helan Hong Golden International Film Festival Wine Industry Edition 2020 BEST MICRO FILM NEWCOMER 2500 Euro cash prize winner, WineGame is Walker Entertainer Academy's most successful film ever!
Visit this WineGameMovie website often to stay up-to-date on the WineGame progress.