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Travel Tips

Getting There

Arrival & departure to/from the Ontario, CA airport (ONT) will be most convenient for NO COST ground transportation to the below discounted motel accommodations. We suggest that Participants arrive at ONT on the evening of Monday, Oct. 1st in order to get a good night's sleep for freshness on the first day (10/2/18) of the INTENSIVE.


We suggest that LAX arriving Participants come in early morning on Oct. 2nd and report to LA Union Station via the LA Flyaway bus for pick-up and delivery to their afternoon Hey, I Saw Your Commercial introductory class in LA.


Metrolink commuter trains can also deliver Participants to LA Union Station from the Burbank (Bob Hope) and Orange County (John Wayne) airports.


Discounted Accommodation

Entertainer.Academy is currently negotiating a great and inexpensive room rate for Entering Hollywood ACTOR INTENSIVE Residents.


Please return here during mid April for the good news!


Ground Transportation During RESIDENCY

The Southern California Metrolink commuter train will carry RESIDENCY participants from their affordable Inland Empire abode to and from Downtown Los Angeles - 40 miles away. Connections will then easily be made to the LA basin's World-Class public transportation system. LA Metro will then avoid traditional La La Land traffic to deliver participants to that day's activities.


Public Transportation Planning, Schedules & Rates can be found at:



A shared NO COST rented van will be made available to help participants travel to auditions, gigs and activities during the RESIDENCY. Users must pay for gas, insurance and additional driver fee costs.


Of course, participants may rent a car during the RESIDENCY. Such renters will most likely be able to defray some of the costs therein by assisting other participants' travel needs at a cost to those actors.

Getting There

Arrival & departure to/from the Ontario, CA airport (ONT) will be the safest and most convenient for NO COST ground transportation to the below AirBnB accommodations. We suggest that participants arrive at ONT on by evening of Tuesday, October 3rd in time to rest before the very early and busy first day of RESIDENCY activities. Ontario/Rancho Cucamonga ground transportation will be provided to all Participants that arrive and depart the ONT airport.


We suggest that Los Angeles International (LAX) airport participants arrive during the day of Tuesday, October 3rd, take the LA Flyaway bus at a cost of about $15.00 to LA Union Station, then take the San Bernardino Line Metrolink computer train to Rancho Cucamonga at a cost of about $10.00. Metrolink arriving Participants will be pick-up at Cucamonga Station, future home of America's first ever truly high-speed railroad hub.


Metrolink commuter trains can also deliver participants to LA Union Station from the Burbank (Bob Hope) and Orange County (John Wayne) airports. 



At an as yet unidentified AirBnB in Ranch Cucamonga, California USA


Sharing a bedroom for as little as $50.00 per night for 13 nights makes an extremely low six-hundred-fifty ($650.00) dollars TOTAL HOUSING COST PER Participant DURING THE RESIDENCY. $2000.00 total for your own bedroom.

Further, you may have your own program that secures Rancho Cucamonga hotel room discounts at hotels.


Ground Transportation During RESIDENCY

The Metrolink San Bernardino (California's largest county) commuter train line will carry RESIDENCY participants from their affordable Inland Empire abode to and from Downtown Los Angeles - 40 miles away. Connections will then easily be made to the LA basin's World-Class public transportation system. LA Metro will then avoid traditional "La La Land" level traffic to deliver participants to that day's activities and or gigs.


Public Transportation Planning, Schedules & Rates can be found at:



A shared NO COST rented van will be made available to help participants travel to auditions, gigs and activities during the RESIDENCY. Users must pay for gas, insurance and additional driver fee costs.


Of course, participants may rent a car during the RESIDENCY. Such renters will most likely be able to defray some of the costs therein by assisting other participants' travel needs at a cost to those performers.

Local Travel
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