About WEA Short Film Marketing Services
Avoid spending the traditional seven hundred plus dollars in film festival submission fee payments resulting in maybe one selection!
WEA Entertainment & Media Public Relations Agency's unique Short Film Marketing Campaigns GUARANTEE at least: 5 Film Festival Awards among 10 Official Selections, your film's website publishing, weekly social media & industry site posts, the creation and distribution of your short's press kit with Commercial resulting in online Media attention plus in-person participation as part of a LIVE, Hollywood USA region Short Film Marketing RETREAT and more.
At an all inclusive fee that is hundreds of dollars less than the above traditional film festival submission fees budget!
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WEA Marketing Service's PILOT program was applied to 1st time film makers Mike Williams & Travis Walker's Pandemic Prospering Part 1 (PP1). During the last nine months Phillip marketed this non-cinematic web series pilot into 14 Awards among 20 Nominations with 36 Selections from 11 Countries on 5 Continents including 13 Major Cities plus Spondulics Distribution with: AppleTV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, iTunes, Android TV & Google Play!
“An amazing service that helped us get notoriety all over the world. Thank you so much for your services. They really helped our visibility. We have our 1st major conference speaking engagement because of your work.”
by: Travis Walker from Realize Now on Alignable
Close:Up San Francisco Short Film Festival
Pandemic Prospering I Review.docx (filesusr.com)
Critics Review Online Festival