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Marketing Programs

Submit Registrations For These Marketing Activities

There’s so much happening at our Entertainment & Media Public Relations Agency and we just can’t wait to get the party going with your film. Mr. Walker has been busy preparing and testing these new Walker Entertainer Academy programs. He's so excited to deliver to you the festival events, publications, interviews and so much more. Browse the offerings below and if you need more information please don’t hesitate to contact us.

First Friday Films Monthly Showcases

First Friday Films

FFF's conversion to an online film festival displays a COVID-19 positive outcome, in that we now deliver an intense, thorough Showcase of a different single one of the World's indie short film or video plus a published film maker 400+ member Meetup Discussion during each first Friday of every month. PLEASE JOIN US!

Film Review Quote for your Poster

Film Poster Quote

How about you receiving a published Film Poster Quote that glorifies your under 26 minute short film from a USA Hollywood area based, trained, well establish Industry critic and short film marketer?
Within 72 hours of your submission you will have a unique review Quote image suitable for affixing to your film's Poster!

Indigenous People's Holiday RETREATS


In celebration of the USA’s annual Indigenous People’s Holiday weekend (10/9-11/21), our Hollywood area Southern California LIVE, in-person, physically distanced, sponsored RETREATS explore short film marketing in the Coronavirus era.

Programs: Activities
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